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Structure of a BEG, BET and BE

BE Group
A Business Event Group is a group of BET's, Denoted with an 'L' on the TEM transaction psv1

BE Type
A Business Event Type is the description of a business event (course), Denoted with a 'D' on the TEM transaction PSV1

A Business Event is the actual instance of a business event type, i.e. the date and time the event/course takes place! Denoted with an 'E' on the TEM transaction PSV1

Personnel Attendee
A personnel attendee is an SAP person who is attending the course, they must have a SAP HR personnel record. Denoted with a 'P' on the TEM transaction PSV1

External Attendee
An external personnel attendee is a non SAP person who is attending the specified course. Denoted with a 'H' on the TEM transaction PSV1

Example Structure of a BEG, BET and BE

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